4. First Meet

19 October 2023

Veeransh landed in Netaji subhas chandra Bose Airport,kolkata from his private jet with Neil and his brothers . They were on their way to Roy villa . He and Neil had to stop in front of a mall to buy some gifts for Moksh's family ,his brothers left for villa. Neil went to buy gifts as Veeransh had no idea what to buy  . After buying Neil came and they were going to start  when a young boy stopped him .

"Dada  , ফুল নেবেন ? " The boy was selling some flower bouquets on the road .

(Brother ,want to buy flowers? )

Though he can understand bengali but can't speak fluently,so Neil who can speak bengali replied " না, লাগবেনা "  Veeransh gave him some money sliding down his car wimdow ,but the little boy refused it .

(no ,we don't need it )

He says that "no ,I can't take it ,my didi  taught me to earn by hard work . They were shocked to see the little boys honesty .


"Ok ,give us a bouquet and take the money " Neil  said,after getting an order from Veeransh. The little boy thanked them .

Just then a sweet voice is heard which took Veeransh's attention . "Bittu , কি করছিস এখানে "  It is none other than Aadhira . She asked glaring cutely at the little boy .

(Bittu what are you doing here )

It feels like time stopped for Veeransh hearing the angelic voice . The driver was going to start the car but Veeransh signaled him not to . He got lost for a moment looking at her . The girl's black doe eyes glaring cutely at the little boy , her long  hair tied with a clutch still some  strands flowing freely which she was tucking behind her ear being irritated , her indian attire caught his attention  .

        " उन्हें देखी तो देखता रह गया

              ऐसी लगी नजाने कुछ

              मोहब्बत हो गई उससे

            जिसके नजर में मैं खो गई "

( As I see her , I kept seeing her

it feels like

I fell in love with her

in whose eyes I got lost )

Aadhira's Look

" Ei re " the young boy whose name is Bittu bites his tongue after getting caught by his didi , Aadhira  . He is a child of her orphanage.

"Didi ,wo I just wanted to sell this flower ,Puja is coming na so I wanted to buy something by my money " Bittu explained .

"Baccha ,you are little ,we are there na for you just say us what you wanted to buy we will buy you it ,now it is your time for study only . Then when you will be a big man you will buy anything by your own money " Aadhira explained lovingly to the child . Veeransh admired the way she spoke . He couldn't turn his gaze away from her .

"Now go , I am in a hurry , I am going ,take care " She bided bye by riding her chotu ,her scooty , not noticing the pair of eyes looking at her .

Neil asked the little boy about her .

"She is our Pari didi , I was talking about , I stay in didi's orphanage."  Bittu informed them pointing to an orphanage which was nearby .

Veeransh felt a sudden urge of admiration for the white doe eyes angel .

"Pari " He whispered to himself .

After sending him to the orphanage they left for roy villa  .


" Are beta come come we were waiting for you " Meera ji ,Aadhira's mother welcome them .

" Finally you came " Moksh said .

" Yes ,otherwise you will eat my head " Veeransh said sarcastically.

In response Moksh gave him a playful glare and caught him in a brotherly hug .

" So let me meet you my family member ,He is my grandfather (pointing at Ashutosh) ,my grandmother (Shweta ) my father (Nabarun ) ,mother (Meera ) ,my wife (sanvi) ,my sister (Aruna ) , and one more person is left ,she will come anytime then I will meet you to her .

Veeransh touches the elders feet and did namaskar to Sanvi and Aruna  . And give them the gifts .

"Arre ,why this all " Shweta ji , Aadhira's grandmother said .

" It's my first time dadi sa ,so this is just something for you all " Veeransh said plainly . It's hard for him to express his emotions but he didn't forget his morals so he tried to treat those with respect who deserve respect. Shweta ji  blessed him .

" Beta where are the elders? " Ashutosh ji , Aadhira's grandfather asked .

"Dada sa ,they are stuck at their works ,so they couldn't come ,they told us to inform you all that they will come some other days . " Arav informed .

" Ok ,you all go get freshen up,Moksh show them their room " Nabarun ji ,Aadhira's father said .

After sometime the Raghuvanshi brothers came down and sat in the drawing room and gets busy in their talks . Though Veeransh reply shortly . Arav and Ayansh were the one talking mostly and kairav was also replying little ,being an introvert he couldn't open up in front of anyone , it takes time  .

" Are ,where is this girl , Aruna call her " Meera ji ,said getting hyper .

" Ma calm down ,you know her she will come anytime " Sanvi replied ,sensing her mother in law's tension .

" Maaaaa, I found my romeo , he was in neighbour , I had to find him in the whole area , but at last I found him in a serious mission where he was in search of his juliet in the neighborhood. " A loud voice shrieks in the drawing room getting  each one's attention ,mainly Veeransh . Because he felt her voice was the same with the white doe eyed angel .

She was holding a white pomeranian puppy .

" Sir ,she is the same girl we saw " Neil said  surprisingly . Veeransh nodded in agreement.

" I'll seriously throw you and your puppy out of the house ,there are guests in the house and this girl is roaming outside" Shweta ji, Her grandmother said seeing the daily mischievousness of her granddaughter and her dog .

"Are senorita calm down " she said . She still did not noticed the guests ,she was busy with her puppy . But after hearing the next word of her grandmother she looked up and find some unknown face . Then she became embarrass for shouting like this in front of unknown people .

But one certain hazel  orb caught her attention ," gorgeous " she uttered  after seeing him . His hazel eyes seems like a deeper ocean for her . She was lost in his eyes, who was also looking deeply at her . Her reverie broke when her father called her .

" Gudiya , Meet the Raghuvanshi brothers princess , He is eldest Veeransh Raghuvanshi and they are Ayansh , Kairav , Arav " Aadhira's father introduced them .

They all did namaste to each other . 

" I was saying about her ,meet her Aadhira Singha Roy ,my Youngest sister " Moksh introduced her to the Raghuvanshi brother . She smiles warmly to all of them .

" So her real name is Aadhira , but Pari is also perfect name for her " Veeransh thought to himself but again shook his head at his thoughts .

" I'm coming after freshing up, excuse me " Aadhira said .



On her way downstairs after freshening up she collided with a wall ,well she thought . She was going to slip but the wall means Veeransh held her .

'My clumsy self can't handle anything . I thought I was going to slip when someone caught me by my waist . ' she thought to herself.

"Ay ,maa " she muttered . When she looked up she found Veeransh holding her .

When she looked up , she found it was none other than Veeransh Raghuvanshi , whose hazel  orbs attract her at first sight . Her heart was beating rapidly ,maybe he could also heard it . He is the first man in her life ,for whom she am feeling something weird . She felt it like those books she read but it's true .

" Thank you , Mr Raghuvanshi" She  thanked him standing up properly .

'What a first impression I made of mine not one time but two times . ' she said in her mind .

" Well no need , walk carefully ,Ms. singha roy " He said in his deep voice . First time hearing his voice she got chills all over her body , his strong and deep voice felt soothing to her .

" And no need to call me Mr . Raghuvanshi,you can call me by my name " He told her . It didn't settle well with him that she was calling him so formally.

" Same for you too ,you can call me by my name " She also  told him . She didn't know what to say anymore because his gaze was making her nervous , so she just said a small 'bye' and ran to downstairs .

He whispered a 'careful' to himself after seeing her running . When she was out of his sight he finally left for his online meeting .

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