5. Wild Cat

Today is mahasasthi . The start of Durga Puja . Today devotees welcomes the goddess and festive celebrations are inaugurated.

Aadhira was busy with doing Alpana in front of Durga ma .

" Woww di ,it's beautiful" Ayansh said appreciatively .

" Thank you ,baccha " Aadhira replied .

She made a good bond with the youngest Raghuvanshi .

Just then her Aunt with her daughter entered . They are somehow jealous of the Roy siblings. She can't endure the success of the siblings . So she, whenever comes tries to look down at them .

" Not that beautiful,my daughter can do better " Her Aunt said .

" Well Aunty , let us see what she can do ,we all know what she can do , don't lie in front of Ma Durga " Aruna replied sarcastically,who just entered the mandap .

" You are having a big mouth Aruna , I am older than you " Her Aunt said .

" Then behave like one , only then I'll respect you " Aruna said folding her hands .

" Ah ,Didi leave it " Aadhira said after sensing the atmosphere.

Then they left after muttering some curses under their breath .

" Di , I like your attitude " Ayansh said after seeing the whole scenario.

" Huh , I know everybody loves me " She said flipping her hair .

" In your dreams " Aadhira said playfully . Ayansh laughed out loud hearing them  .

" Chotiiii " Aruna twisted her ear .

" Ah di leave my ear " Aadhira said pouting.

In a span of time the whole corridor is filled with their laugh ,they were chasing each other .

And just then Aadhira again collided with someone,and that someone again caught her.

" ঠাকুর ,not him please " She muttered closing her eyes tightly . She doesn't want to get embarrassed again in front of Veeransh .


"Well , it's me again " Veeransh replied playfully after hearing her mutter .

If some outsider who knows him heard his playful tone ,then they will surely faint .

" Uh hu ....thanks again " She replied .

" It seems , you like colliding with people " he asked .

'Well not people but you 'She hit herself mentally for thinking like that .

" No no , it's not like that " She replied keeping her eyes close . Her cheeks became deep red .

He let out a smile ,after seeing her ,but hid it again .

" You are looking beautiful" He said  ,changing the topic , after sensing her embarrassed. He felt himself as an alien because of the sentence he just spoke . He gave a compliment to someone after decades and a half .

Her cheeks turned crimson hearing him .

" Thanks ,you are looking no less . " She said . 

"Aadhi beta come ,puja is going to start " Aadhira's mother shouted .

" Let's go " She said to him . Then they goes to the mandap .

Well the old ladies didn't forget to notice them . They give each other a knowing look .

Midnight of the same day

Aadhira was in the garden , with some marker in her hand . She brought a ladder attached it to the balcony of the room where her aunt and her daughter Tara was sleeping . When she was going to take a step to the ladder someone kept hand on her shoulder . She stilled for a moment and without turning started to blabber without turning .

" ah , I didn't do anything it was kept here so I was just taking it from here " She said pointing at the ladder .

" Di I'm Ayansh " Ayansh said turning her .

" oh you all ,what you all are doing here huh ,you scared me " She replied keeping her hand on chest and sighed deeply .

" Oh we couldn't sleep ,so we came here for fresh air " Arav replied .

"now tell us what you are doing here " The three brother (Ayansh , Arav , kairav ) said together raising their brows . They surely caught her lie .

" hehe , promise me you will not say it to anybody then only I'll tell you ." Aadhira said with a glint of mischievousness .

" yeah we promise " kairav replied .

The three brother surely made good bond with Aadhira within two days .

" Actually , I was going to the Aunt's room , I need to take revenge , she and her daughter said ill about my didi " She said determinant ly.

" well what you will do ? " Ayansh  asked .

" you will see " she said .

" will you climb it? " Arav asked pointing at the ladder .

"yeah , don't worry I have habit of it " she replied .

" How " Kairav asked amusingly .

" well , our home has a rule that we need to come home by 7 pm , if we don't come ,we have to stay outside, dida made this rule , so whenever I get late I use this to get in through my balcony" she informed them with a sheepish smile . They all nodded surprisingly .

" You all wait here , I'm coming" she asked .

She got in the room through balcony . She designed her Aunt's and Tara's face with different marker .

After around 15 minutes she got down to see them looking at her curiously .

" let's go you all will see the result tomorrow. " She told them with a mischievous smile .

Morning : 8:00 am

Everybody settled down for breakfast . Veeransh was sitting beside her .

" Who did this " a loud voice shrieked in the dining hall .

Her Aunt shouted ,who came down with her daughter . Her and Tara's face was designed with many colours .

" Mamma ,my face is ruined " Tara said fake pouting .

" See ,who did this , the colour is not coming out " Tara said .

Raghuvanshi brothers looked at Aadhira who kept her head down with a sly smile . They understood .

" Beta you go wash it carefully,it will come out , don't worry , I will give the breakfast to your room ." Aadhira's grandmother replied .

After they had gone every member of the house looked at Aadhira with a look of explanation.

Sensing the stares on her " I didn't did anything" she replied .

" We all know who can do it  " Aadhira's father asked raising his eyebrows .

" Ok fine , she said ill about Didi , so I did it " She said .

" Oh my sweet sister " Aruna hugged her .

"You will not use your phone for two days " Aadhira's mother ordered her .

"সব কথা ফোনে এসেই দাঁড়ায় " Aadhira said pouting .

( every talk ends in phone )

Neil  laughed a little after hearing her .

" Don't laugh , I will also take your phone " Aadhira glared at him .

Neil  gave her a playful stare .

" Calm down ,young lady " Aadhira's grandfather said .

Veeransh who was silently observing everything, smiled little  at her actions .

" Well seems like you are a wild cat " Veeransh whispered to her .He was sitting beside her . She gulped at the close proximity.

" Hey I'm not a wild cat , it's just I don't like when someone says bad about my closed one " She said pouting . He gave her a little smile .

         " उसकी अदा पे हम मरते है

            वो ना जाने उसकी अपनी

      अदा उसे लाखो में से एक बनाता है

        दुनिया उसकी सराहना करती है "

( I die at her style

he doesn't know his own style

She doesn't know her style

which makes her one in a million

for which the world appreciates her )

~ Glossary :

Sasthi Puja :  Bodhan (process of infusing life to Durga idol) and Astradaan (idol adorned with 10 weapons) were part of the Shashti puja. It is believed that on this day goddess Durga comes to the mortal world with her children goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati, Lord Ganesha and Kartikeya.

Alpana : A handful of rice and a small piece of cloth are the basic requirements for painting an Alpana. The rice is put in the water and made into a thick paste. Enough water is added to obtain a paste which would help drawings.

Thank you , take care 🥀..

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