7. Alliance of marriage

It was a fine evening when Shweta ji  told her husband ,

"শোনো, আমার Veeransh কে পছন্দ হয়েছে আমাদের Aadhira এর জন্য "

( Listen , I really liked Veeransh for our Aadhira )

" Yes I also liked him , let's ask Nabarun" He told his wife .

"Baba you called " Nabarun ji ,Aadhira's father and mother came to the room.

" Yes beta , actually we really liked Veeransh for our Aadhira . He is a polite guy , who knows how to respect elders ." Ashutosh ji,Aadhira's grandfather stated .

" Yes baba ,we also liked him but let's ask Aadhi first " Her mother said .


Aadhira was in the dining hall for dinner when she noticed elders were just looking at her .

"Why are you all looking at me like that , I didn't do anything " she told them fearing that it's always she who got blamed even if she didn't do anything because of her mischievous nature .

" No beta actually we have something to say " Nabarun ji told her .

" Yes say na baba"

"Actually we are thinking about your marriage" Shweta ji stated calmly .

" What marriage! You didn't say anything to me" Moksh said furiously.

" Calm down young man , we just thought about it today only ,as she is in the perfect age for marriage " Ashutosh ji  stated .

She was silent after hearing about marriage. The first thought that came to her mind was Veeransh Raghuvanshi, a hazel orb which took all her attention since the day she saw him . It's been two months since she last saw him .

" Who is the man  dadu " this time Sanvi  asked .

" Well you all know him , he is Veeransh " Ashutosh ji  said .

'Whattt!? He ! Really oh my god !!! I get shocked .   I don't know what this is but my heart started to beat faster whenever he used to be near me . I am still unaware of the feeling that is growing for him day by day . But what about him , did he also feel the same ?' Aadhira thought to herself .

"Beta " Meera ji called her  noticing her  silence .

"Yes ma " She said getting back from her thoughts .

" What is your decision" this time Shweta ji  asked .

" I'm ready but ask him first " She  told her  decision.

Nabarun and Meera ji patted her head lovingly .

" You made the best decision" Moksh said thinking about Veeransh being free around her .  The Veeransh Raghuvanshi who never even smile around them chuckle hearing something from his sister , that made him shocked . He noticed Veeransh's soft look towards her .He noticed everything .

'I know ' she thought to himself .

Sanvi and Aruna  gave her a teasing look .

"So , finally your prince charming is coming to take you" Aruna whispered ,  which made her blush .

" Aadhi beta are you blushing " Aadhira's grandmother asked her smirking after noticing her granddaughter.

" What no , why would I blush " she  told her hurriedly.                          

" Moksh beta can you call Veeransh 's grandfather" Aadhira's grandfather asked him .

" Yes dadu "

Jaipur , Rajasthan

Veeransh's grandparents were sitting in the dining room . Everybody including Veeransh was presented there . When he got a call from Moksh . He kept the call on speaker .

On call

" Namaskar dada sa how are you " Moksh said .

" Namaskar beta ,I am fine beta, how are you " Veeransh's grandfather said .

" Everything is good dada sa , actually dadu wanted to talk to you .

" Sure " He replied .

"Namaskar Abhiraj ji " Aadhira's grandfather greeted him .

" Namaskar Ashutosh ji  " He replied .

" How is everyone" Ashutosh ji asked .

" Everyone is doing great , how's everyone there , how's Aadhira beta " Abhiraj ji asked , he heard a lot about her from his grandsons , from even Kairav who took much time to mix up with someone praised her knowing her from some days only .

" Everyone is doing great and Aadhi beta is also doing great , We actually have a proposal , we wanted to ask Veeransh's hand for our granddaughter Aadhira ." Aadhira's grandfather proposed .

Everybody who was listening to their conversation got shocked including Veeransh .

"  I heard a lot about her from my grandsons , but I wanted to talk to Veeransh first . " Abhiraj ji said.

"Sure and for information we talked to Aadhira she agreed but she also wanted to ask  Veeransh first " Ashutosh ji  said .

After they ended the call Abhiraj ji asked Veeransh about his decision who was lost in his thoughts .

He was shocked when he get to know about their alliance. He missed her in the past months . Sometime he used to get lost in her thoughts during works which Neil caught . Neil teased him about it but he dozed it off . She was the first girl to catch his attention .

'She Miss . Aadhira Singha Roy , you're something else , from the day I met you it's hard for me to not think about you .  But my world is filled with darkness , how can you be able to stand it . Moreover do you feel the same about me ; did you also thought about me in these past months? I was shocked to know that you agreed , does it mean you also felt the same . But what is this feeling ?  ' He asked in his mind .

" Beta you can take your time " Padmini ji said seeing his grandsons silence .

" Dadi sa  I am ready " He finally said his decision .

Veeransh saw his brothers who were silent till now gave each other a full blown smile . They liked Aadhira way much . For sure he knew his family will also like her .

" Ok , we will go to kolkata then for further discussion. " Yuvraj ji   said . Everyone nodded at him . Yuvraj ji felt happy to know that finally his son agreed to get married. He was also eager to know Aadhira , whose praise he heard a lot from his sons .

Abhiraj ji called Aadhira's grandfather to give Veeransh's consent for the marriage .

Then they proposed to go kolkata for further discussion.

" नशा हो गया उनका

                 प्यार की , ना जाने

        कब उनके बारे में

सोचते सोचते

                वो हमारी हो गई "

( He became drunk in her love,

don't know when thinking about her again and again

she became mine . )

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