8. Confirmation

Aadhira was waiting in the hospital cafe for Ahana , she needed to inform her about the alliance . They will come in evening.

" Well don't you think you have something to inform " Her first word , she took a seat in front of Aadhira . She seemed furious .

'Seems like Ma already informed her .' Aadhira thought . 

" I was going to say "

"When ! When you get married" She told glaring at her  .

" Umm sorry  na Anu" Aadhira apologized holding her ears . 

" It's ok , now give me whole information" She said calming down . She was not here in puja time . This lady loves travelling, so she had gone in vacation in that time .

" So his name is Veeransh Raghuvanshi, he came here with his brothers, then Dadu liked him and then you know all . They are coming here today . "  Aadhira informed.

" Wait Veeransh Raghuvanshi, don't tell me he is the crown prince of Rajasthan! " Ahana said giving her a shock .

" What you are telling , no he is a businessman " Aadhira told her being flabbergasted.

"Bish see this ,I clicked it when I was in Rajasthan "she said showing her a photo .

"No no it can't happen , I am a normal girl why the royal family will give their consent " Aadhira started panicking seeing the photo . 

"Calm down Aadhi ,you can ask him when you will meet him , don't panic . Now let's go , you need to get ready " Ahana said seeing her panicking . 

She was on her way home going with Ahana by her chotu , her scooty .

Out of a sudden  a bike hit her scooty, he was driving recklessly . She could not control and fell down .

" Hey you blind man can't you see " Ahana said  furiously . She was going to knock some sense to him but before that  the boy just said "Sorry "  and went away .

" Huh , nowadays teenage boys thinks themselves hero by getting a bike " She said huffing .

" It's ok , let's go , we will get late , did you hurt somewhere " Aadhira asked her .

" No , I didn't I balanced . Are you okay " she asked being concerned .

Before she could reply Ahana started checking her . 

" Hey you got hurt , your elbow is bleeding and look at your palm it's scratched. We needed to treat it . You don't have to drive . I am driving . " Ahana said without taking a break .There was a fear in her eyes seeing her best friend get hurt .

" It's ok " Aadhira assured her but this lady don was already on fire .

"Yeah I know how it's ok , now sit quietly" She said sarcastically.

when they entered everybody including Raghuvanshi family  were sitting there .

" Boro ma  , see what your daughter did " Ahana told Meera ji without caring that she just shouted gaining  attention from everyone .  

(Aunty )

Aadhira just stand quietly behind her closing her eyes tightly because of embarrassment . What a first impression she was making of herself from the day she met him . 

"What happened " Meera ji  asked .

" She fell down from scooty , a bike hit us . " Ahana told her  .

Everybody became concerned hearing her . Veeransh ,so wanted to run and check her but he stopped himself.

" What , where did you hurt yourself princess ." Nabarun ji and Moksh asked together  . 

Moksh took her to the couch and started to check where she got injured . 

Aadhira saw Veeransh's concern eyes .

" I am ok , it's just little scratch "  She affirmed everyone.

Then Sanvi  came with first aid box and treated her  wound . While in the middle of everything Veeransh anxiously watched her wound got treated , his heart started beating rapidly seeing her hurt . 

" Di you are okay right " Ayansh asked being concerned  , which Veeransh wanted to ask also . 

"Yes baccha I'm okay , don't worry " She assured with a little smile . 

She looked at him and give him a nod calming his racing heart .

" Give me your scooty key " Meera ji's strict voice made Aadhira scared . Though her mother scold her many time but she scared her strict voice the most .

" Ma " She uttered .

" Give me the key , you'll never drive again . " Meera ji ordered her . Aadhira's face turned teary . The Raghuvanshi family for one moment felt it was too much but they didn't want to say anything it's a mother's fear for her daughter  . Veeransh fisted his palm seeing her teary eyes .

" It's for your own good beta , understand me " Meera ji said taking her in a motherly hug .

" You're so bad " Aadhira sniffed cutely making everyone smile at her cute self .

" I know " Meera ji placed a loving kiss on her forehead .

" You'll let me eat 4 ice cream today " She said . Her mother wiped her tears and nodded making her smile widely .

" You know right your future in law's are here " Aruna whispered to her making her realized about her surroundings . She looked at her mother pleadingly , she shrugged saying ' nobody will think anything ' .

Then  she went to take blessing from the elders .

" No need beta , don't stretch the hand much " Padmini ji  said giving her a warm smile . She returned the same smile .

" I'm just coming after freshening up " She told them .

After sometime she came down with Ahana , Aruna and Sanvi . Padmini ji  told her to sit beside her  . Then she  introduced her to Veeransh's grandfather, father and uncle . Aadhira looked at him , she finally saw him after two months , her heart skips a bit seeing him . Her heart yearned to see him , she also had his number which she many times thought to call but she didn't fear that what he'll think but when he agreed for the marriage she felt the happiest , little did she realize what the feeling is . 

' Someone tell him to stop looking at me , it's making me nervous.' Aadhira thought whining in her mind . 

"So beta I know we elders already got your consent but still you both talk and let us know about your decision " Abhiraj ji  told them . 

They both looked at each other and nodded . Then she took him to the garden .

" Well we met again "  She started a conversation because as far she  noticed him he was a reserved person .

" Yeah , can't you drive properly!" He said out of a sudden . 

"Huh !" She got startled at his straight scolding . No greetings , nothing straight to the point . 

" Yeah how will I know that boy will come in front of my chotu " She said with a big pout , also feeling bad her mother will not let her drive again but knowing the fear of her mother she didn't say anything .

' Chotu  this woman beside me has a weird way of giving names , like her dog's name Romeo , seriously .  But she is looking so cute . Her cheeks are fluffy, which has a natural blush . Her long hair were kept open . The way she adorned herself with Indian attire is beyond beautiful. '   Veeransh thought to himself admiring the woman standing beside him .   

"Is it hurting too much " He asked her being worried .

She gave him smile and said " no It's ok "

"So tell me you really want to marry me ? " She asked , wanting to change the topic .

"Why don't you want ?"  He counter attacked keeping his hands in his pocket . 

" Yes ,but I want to know about your thoughts ." She  looked at his eyes wanting to find her answer in them . 

" I know you are not a open person but you can tell me about your thoughts" She assured , while he looked back at her eyes finding the same warmness he saw two months back . 

" Well , Why do you want to marry me ? "He  asked her . 

" I trust you " She said . This one sentence meant a lot him .Just this sentence made him speechless. She trusted him . In that very moment he  promised to himself to never break her  trust  .

" But I want to alert you I am very hard to handle " she told him  playfully .

" Don't worry I will be delighted to handle you . " He told with a small smile giving every answer to her questions . Her cheeks turned  a shade of pink  now .

" So are you ready to become Mrs . Raghuvanshi ? " He asked truthfully . 

"Yes Mr Raghuvanshi " She told him with a eye to eye smile making him admire her more . 

After staying there for sometime they went back to the drawing room .

"So what is your decision ?" Yuvraj ji asked them .

Aadhira and Veeransh gave them a nod .

" Yeah , finally a wedding in the house " Ayansh said enthusiastically .

" we are relatives now " Aadhira's grandfather said . The Raghuvanshi family nodded . They share sweets to each other starting a new found relation . 


Here not only two person is going to form a bond , but two family , two tradition will mend together .

This marriage is going to form between those two person , where one is a form of lightness and the other darkness . Will she bring him out of his shell ? Or it will shatter her in the process !?

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