9. First call

Veeransh was busy doing his office works , when someone barged in .

" Don't you know how to knock " He said rolling his eyes , his eyes were fixed on his laptop . He knew it could be the only one who will do it .

" This is how you welcome your bestfriend , I am hurt " The person said dramatically .

It was Anil Singhania.

" When I'll meet Bhabi " Anil asked raising his brows .

" How do you know " Veeransh asked , looking up at him .

" I have my ways " He said dramatically.

Well his ways are Raghuvanshi brothers only .

" She will come to Rajasthan soon " Veeransh informed .

"Ok , I'm leaving . I came here to know about Bhabi , because you didn't say anything about your marriage to me . I'm deeply wounded ." He dramatically said making Veeransh utter some curses to him which Anil accepts wholeheartedly because he's habituated of getting curses from Veeransh because of his dramatic self . Veeransh glared at him .

" Ok ok I'm going , bye cold human " Anil muttered the last part to himself but Veeransh heard it , he got up from his chair to throw some punches to him but before that Anil ran away from there saving his precious life .

On the other hand ,

Aadhiraย  came back from hospital . They will be leaving for Rajasthan soon . Everything wil happen there only . But she wanted to ask Veeransh about herย  work , because something made her thoughts stirred up . Today , one of her patients was a depressed woman who got divorced a few months ago . The woman had an arranged marriage, everything was going well but suddenly after one year of their marriage her husband told her to resign from her job , because according to him his wife can't go to work and talk with other men except him and from that day their argument started which one day turned in physical torture and that was a last string for her after a lot of struggle She got divorced but she was suffering from a major depression. Aadhira felt thankful to the woman that she finally thought to start her new life . She was in deep thinking about callingย  him and sharingย  her thoughts because she believed in 'communication is the key' .

After battling with her thoughts for sometime she finally dialed his number .

On call

" Hello " She said .

" Hi Aadhira " He said in his deep voice . He saved her number that made her want to dance in that moment also he called her by her name for the first time .

" How are you , are you busy ? " She asked after controlling her excitementย  .

" I am good , no I'm not busy " He informed her which was a complete lie because there was an important meeting within sometime when Aadhira called her . He informed Neilย  to handle it for some time, because she called him for the first time .

" I wanted to talk to you about something" she nervously asked .

" Yes ? " He said .

" What about my work here . I can work right ? " Sheย  asked straight to the point .

" No you can't " Veeransh's word left her in a deep shock for sometime but then she composed herself .

" Then I can't marry you " She said sternly making a smirk appeared on Veeransh's face .

" Why ? " He asked in his deep voice which send shivered down her spine .

" I can't accept someone as my life partner if he doesn't accept my profession " She said . Her words brought a small smile on his face .

" Mrs. Raghuvanshi you impressed me . " He said .

" Why did you lie to me and I'm not your wife yet Mr. Raghuvanshi. " A shy smile appeared on her face hearing 'Mrs. Raghuvanshi ' from him .

" You're my wife from the moment you said yes to the marriage. " He said after recovering from the shock . She knew he was lying , he wanted to test the future queen of Jaipur and her words surely impressed him .

" Tell me why did you lie " She asked again controlling the urge to hide herself in a corner because her face was fully turned red from blushing .

" How did you know I was lying " Veeransh asked in return .

" I truly trust you and I know you will never stop me from doing my work . " She uttered making him feel at ease .

" It's just I was being stupid " She then said the full story why this question occurred to her which he listened carefully .

" You're not stupid , don't ever call yourself that " His stern voice made her nod immediately.

" Don't nod I can't see you . " He said giving her another shock .

" It's not only you who knows me but I'm also knowing you Mrs. Raghuvanshi. " He again said not hearing anything from her side .

" Yes yes Mr. Raghuvanshi, bye " She cut the call immediately not being able to hide her shyness then regret cutting the call on his face .

She again called him and he picked the call immediately.

" Sorry " Her first word .

" It's ok " He said .

" Are you still in the office " She asked after sometime .

" Yes "

" Don't overwork , go home early and take rest " She said seeing the time , it was already halfย  past 6 pm . But again but her tongue because she totally sounded like a wife .

" Ji , Mrs. Raghuvanshi " Veeransh said , liking the way she ordered him . But who will tell her that he stayed in his office most of the time and only went to the palace when he felt to take some rest . But today would be an exception which will left everyone astonished . His wife told him to go home early so he will surely do that .

(Yes )

" Hm " She uttered, he made her a blushing mess today .

" And also I have no right to tell you about your work , it's your professional life you worked hard to achieve , it should be your own decision only . You can apply in any hospital here , and about your NGOs you can give the responsibility to someone trustworthy, and you will visit anytime you want " He told herย . His deep voice held a confirmation.

" Thank you " Herย  eyes were teary by now .

" It's my duty , don't thank me . " He assured herย  .

'Isn't he too good at words .' She thought . Only if she knew this was the longest conversation he did with someone and that someone was his soon to be wife .

" Well bye then " she said after sometime.

" Yeah bye " He said . this time she wait for him to cut the call which he did after staying sometime in the silence where nobody spoke anything .

" Sir the meeting " Neil said entering the cabin .

" Schedule it for tomorrow, I'll return early today . " He said making the poor man standing in front of him gasped loudly .

" Sir , you're okay right ? " Neil asked .

Veeransh glared at him making him shut immediately.

" So can I go home now? " Neil asked enthusiastically . Veeransh nodded making him squealed like a child . Veeransh shook his head seeing the dramatic human . He felt himself as a normal one only in between his three abnormal best friend .

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