11. Shopping

The marriage date was fixed . It will be after two weeks .

Today raghuvanshi and roy family are going for Veeransh and Aadhira's wedding shopping . Veeransh will join them later as he has some important work .

They went to the mall . The mall was vacated , as the royal family came for shopping .

" Missing Bhai sa , bhabi ma ? " Ayansh whisper near Aadhira ; seeing her dullness .

" what , no what you are saying " Aadhira stuttered looking here and there .

" yeah yeah " He playfully said .

" Are not you enjoying too much little prince " Aadhira said playfully glaring at him . yes she address him as little prince as he is the youngest .

" what should I do it's our brother's wedding " He said .

" Bhabi ma you are looking very beautiful bhai sa will not able to divert his eyes from you " Arav said coming to the scene .

Aadhira blushed at the mention of Veeransh.

" look look who is blushing " Arav playfully said .

" hey you two don't irritate my bhabi ma " Kairav said side hugging her .

"yes look you two he is my favourite , you two shoo away " Aadhira said side hugging him .

" no bhabi ma , we won't irritate you ; don't say like that " Ayansh and Arav whined .

" I was kidding , come give me a hug " Adhira said hugging the three brother .

elders laughed at their banters . Roy's family has a pleasant smile , they are happy to see their little princess bonding with her in laws family .


"This is how you do your work" Veeransh coldly  asked the employee .

"Sorry sir " The employee said trembling in fear .

"What would I do with your sorry ,I want the file without any mistake within two hours . " He ordered him .

"Sir the meeting is going to start " Neil  informed him .

"Hm " Aditya hummed , then went to the meeting room .

It took one hour to end the meeting . After that he left for the mall .

When Veeransh entered the mall , he found everyone in the female section choosing clothes for the bride .  They didn't notice him  .

"Ma yaar , I'm hungry " She said to her mother .

"When you're not , bhukkad " Moksh said , hitting her head .

"Yeah don't hit my head , I have one precious head " She told her brother .

"Yah , we have ten heads " Moksh told her .

This banter of them will never end , thought Veeransh .

"Yah you two shut up and focus on shopping " Meera ji scolded them .

Veeransh went to the nearby cafe to bring something for her .

"Here " He  passed her the pastry and bubble tea .

She looked shocked by his presence then somehow control it .

"Thank you " She stuttered while thanking him .

"Yea you didn't bring anything for your sweet best friend" Moksh said dramatically.

"Sweet and you " Aadhira said looking at him up and down.

"You shut up " Moksh said  .

"If you need anything go buy yourself ." Veeransh  told him .

"Huh I am your friend first then she is your soon to be wife , you are betraying me ." Moksh whined , while Veeransh looked at him more like glared at him .

"Shut up " Veeransh  told him .

He wiped his fake tears and went to Veeransh's  brothers who were enjoying the scenes .

"Maharani if you are done then can we select your dress " Aruna asked her , who was busy sipping her bubble tea .

(Queen )

"Yeah yeah I'm done , you all are just jealous of my food . " She got up to choose her clothes .

They all just rolled their eyes at her .

"Wait " Veeransh stopped her , seeing the cream near her lips  .

Then he cleaned it with his handkerchief , making her cheeks red dur to blush .

" Ohooo " all siblings said in unison , making her head down to hide her blush . Veeransh stood unfazed but his rapid heartbeat was saying something else .

"Let's go " Veeransh  told her .

"Yah "

The wedding lehnga was already chosen . They told Veeransh  it will be a surprise for him .

Then her mother gave her some lehnga to choose one  .

He sat on the nearby couch . She stood infront of the mirror to choose a lehnga.

Then she looked at him through mirror to choose one .

He said no to all the lehnga . She  glared at him . Can't he choose one , thought Aadhira .

Then he himself  went to choose one  and came with a beautiful lehnga , Aadhira praised his choice  .

"This one " He gave her   the lehnga .

"You sure " She asked him .He nodded at her .

She went to the trial room and after sometime came out wearing the lehnga .

" Wah , it's beautiful" Dadi said, gaining everyone's attention .

" Dadi sa , see who chose it "  Sanvi teasingly said .

' What with all people today , they can't stop teasing me . I am regretting now for teasing Dada and Boumoni to their wedding . They are taking revenge now , Aadhira thought . She looked at Veeransh who didn't blink his eyes from the moment he saw her wearing the lehnga . Everyone noticed him but didn't say anything, they just stifle their laugh . Aadhira tucked a hair strand behind her ear and looked away seeing his intense gaze . Seeing her this act his gaze broke from her . He looked around to see everyone looking at both of them controlling their laugh . He cleared his throat .

Everyone shared a laugh then they  went to choose his clothes . They didn't let her  see his sherwani .

Aadhira selected the other dresses for him , which he gladly let her select .

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